About Me

I am a Software Developer with a previous background in Electrical Engineering.
I love to play puzzle games, read about ancient history, and tease my cat.
Other interests include cooking, eSports, and watching nature documentaries.

View My Resume

My Raison d'ĂȘtre

I was born with nerve-related Single Sided Deafness, a condition that does not impede daily life, but one where current medical implants do not properly cure. One day I hope to use my Engineering Skills in both hardware and software to help develop such an implant, one that I'm not only proud to wear, but proud to have made.


Graduated Michigan State University with Honor 3.8 GPA
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Graduated App Academy

My Recent Projects


A Full-Stack single page app inspired by Goodreads, built using React, Ruby on Rails, Redux, JavaScript, HTML and CSS.



A JavaScript based browser game, based on the classic sliding tiles puzzle with a twist!



A fully featured terminal based Chess game written in Ruby.
